
Updating Areca driver on ESXi 4.1 u1

1). Download and install the VMware vSphere Client and VMware vSphere CLI on your Windows system.

1.1). If you have a older driver, remove it from ESXi terminal by connecting via SSH and running the following commands:
~ # esxupdate -b ARC remove –maintenancemode
Removing packages :vmware-esx..######################################## [100%]

Running [/usr/sbin/]…
The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.

~ # rm /tmp/stage/firmware/usr/lib/ipkg/

Removing the file resolves the problem of the following error message:
Please wait patch installation is in progress …
The format of the metadata is invalid.Duplicate definitions of bulletin ARC with unequal attributes.

1.2). Reboot the host.

3). Launch VMware vSphere Client and login the ESXi server.
4). Through VMware Vsphere Client, set ESXi server into “Maintenance Mode”.(select Inventory–>Summary tab–>Enter Maintanence Mode)
5). Launch VMware vSphere CLI.
6). key in “cd bin” on VMware vSphere CLI.
7). key in “perl -server ESXi_4.X_IP_address -username root -password “root’s password” -b CD/DVD_ROM_directory:\offline-bundle\ –nosigcheck -i” on VMware vSphere CLI
Please wait patch installation is in progress …
The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
8). After loading Areca driver is finished, close VMware vSphere CLI.
9). Exit maintenance mode on the ESXi server through VMware Vsphere Client.
10). Reboot ESXi server.